The only downside is that it uses a proprietary USB-A receiver that is linked to the keyboard and mouse it came with. It’s been such a lifesaver in terms of limiting pain. The ProblemĪ few years back after having some bad back pain I picked up a Microsoft Sculpt keyboard and mouse. I found an Anker hub with a wall wart power supply in the closet and have been using the keyboard/mouse for 24 hours without any drops. 9: cautiously optimistic that I’ve found a fix! Chris Dzombak mentioned trying a powered USB hub. It did last a lot longer between drops than before. 10: Thought the powered USB hub had done the trick, but had a drop this morning. Leaving this page up as a reference for anyone else who has this issue! I have no idea why this connection would work better than using the USB-A port on Apple’s official Multiport adapter, but that’s just how bad USB-C is as a “one port to rule them all” solution. Here’s how it shows up in the System Report: Update February 3rd: calling this fixed! I bought an individual Anker USB-C to USB-A dongle just to try one last thing before fully giving up and it’s been rock solid for a week straight.
I’m writing this so I have a reference document to point back to and share! Updates Feel free to skip this if you do not want to hear about a very specific hardware issue I am having.